Tag: world

  • Should I Get A Pet Pt III?

    Should I Get A Pet Pt III?

    Welcome to the final instalment to my pet chronicles. And I’ve saved my favourite to last, because yes like my parents I do have favourites, and mine are the loveable, huggable cats and dogs! The cat – ‘Luna’ Here she is in all her feline glory, ready to claw your arm to shreds one minute…

  • It’s Been A While…….

    It’s Been A While…….

    There are people posting videos of themselves climbing their stairwells enough times they’re making Everest appear like little more than a speed ramp in comparison. And here I am struggling to get up in the morning and ‘head to work’ five footsteps from my bed.  But really, I must admit, and like many others (which…

  • The Great Indoors

    The Great Indoors

    As you down your vitamin D tablets like the sun-loving junkie that you are, perhaps with the other hand you could do something  a little bit more pleasurable (not like that), during these unprecedented times we find ourselves in. Below, from the fluffy fun depths of my mind, I share with you just some of…

  • What’s Your Biggest Pet Peeve(s)?

    What’s Your Biggest Pet Peeve(s)?

    This thought infiltrated my mind with the waft of a ‘ploughman’s lunch’ on the train during my early morning commute to work today. For anyone unfamiliar with this term ‘ploughman’s lunch’, you’ve lived a very sheltered childhood, a very lucky childhood. It’s basically a cheese (sewage) and pickle sandwich, and the scent and sight of…

  • Poem: A Human

    Poem: A Human

    A Human A subatomic bunch of laughter and woes, From our nose down to our toes, We either grimace or glow. Why are we here on this planet of blue sea and earth? Does it own us? Or do we own the world? Brief is the time we get to embrace it. You blink your…